Jan 16, 2006
i'm still alive.

limbeck - let me come home
from autumn to ashes - abandon your friends

Jan 10, 2005
the car problems don't stop there. i left my car at my brother's place in woodland and within a few hours of leaving, it gets broken into. the bastards broke my window, took my stero, 2 pairs of hoops shoes, shirts, shorts, dvds, dirty laundry, my grill i won at a white elephant and some lotion. but not that johnson & johnson lotion, the bath and body works expensive lotion. what is the world coming to?!? take anything you want, but leave the damn lotion, that crap is expensive. anyways, i uploaded some pics from christmas slash new years week. take a gander.


brand new - deja entendu

Dec 16, 2004
i'm not having good luck with my car. last night i spent 3 hours at pepboys redoing my brake pads...and this morning i wake up at 7am ready to go to work and find that my right rear tire is flat. damn...2 hours later and a pair of brand new mojaves i've finally found my way to work. surprisingly i've spent less than 200 bucks total on the both the brakes and new tires. that just means the money will come out of my gift giving funds for christmas. sorry whoever is on that list, santa has a broke ass car. if you've checked out my gallery lately, you'll notice a ton more pictures. i've uploaded a few of my thailand pictures...there are a ton of those bad boys. more pictures will go up weekly...you can count on that. aight, i'm gonna go watch the ali g show now.


suicide machines - s/t
temptations - the best of vol. 1

Nov 21, 2004
i love having a job. i can go back to my days of shopping for useless stuff. the other day i went to amoeba records in the city and bought something like 11 cds, spent a total of $23.78. i bought smallville season 3 and preordered seinfeld seasons 1-3 from non other than coscto...speaking of costco, you need to get yourself a pair of kirkland signature sheepskin slippers. they're ugly as hell, but comfy. function over fashion, dude. i'm wearing a pair as we speak, warms up your feet in no time, sometimes making them sweat.

don't look down, down to earth approach, butch walker, a static lullaby, madcap, sorry about dresden, desa, hawthorne heights, army of freshman, senses fail, jin tha mc.

i just uploaded a bunch of pictures from this weekend, jason's birthday bash, and of last week, my friends babies momma's kids 2nd birthday...i've got new pictures up every week. go check them out in the gallery.

Nov 1, 2004
so, tomorrow is my last official day on "extended vacation." i've got to start doing the 9-5 thing starting wednesday. i have a lovely hour and 15 min drive one way to work in traffic. fantastic. i can't wait.

anyways, i've finally got a new pictorials gallery up. i'm going to start uploading all the goodies that have been sitting on my computer collecting cyberdust. things will slowly change but at least the "skeleton" is there. well, go there already.


michael jackson - ones
head automatica - decadance (every must buy this album)

Oct 28, 2004
well, it looks as if i'm stepping out of the unemployment line. you are looking at one of the new production specialists for digital impact, spamming your email account very soon. i'm one happy camper.

Oct 28, 2004
it needs to start snowing. i'm getting the snowboarding bug. i need to satisfy my need for reckless endangerment. i need to feel the bitter cold on my cheeks going down the mountain, barely under control. it needs to start raining too. nothing better than waking up to the pitter patter of rain drops outside. it needs to be winter already. fall is worthless. winter is what it's all about. it needs to be colder.

wunder years - on behalf of rock and roll

Oct 26, 2004
i got one of those forwards from my friends, you're supposed to change the answers and forward back to your friends, it makes for some pretty interesting answers sometimes. one question in particular stuck with me...what is your favorite day of the week? when i was working, obvious it's going to be saturday or sunday...but since i'm not working, everyday is pretty much a holiday/saturday meshed into one uber long day. i find myself still up late on sunday when normally i would get to bed a little earlier to start off the week right so i don't get a case of the "mooondays." what do i do all day when normal people go to work? that's a good question. i usually have errands to run, but that's a lot of errands huh caleb? this is what i do. i take a errand that might take 30 mins and stretch that into 2 hours. i don't go to the bank that's down the street, i'll go to the bank that's the farthest from my house...but i won't take the freeway, i'll take the traffic packed backroads. oh, and i'll stop by in tower records...listen to some stuff, but if i'm in tower, i might as well go to best buy and check out their dvds, while i'm there, i should go to costco right across the street. damn, the bank is closed now. but now it's time to work out. this is how i fill up my day.

check back soon, because i'm going to put up pictures. i know i always say that, but it's going to be for reals.

further seems forever - the moon is down

Oct 7, 2004
again...still alive. unemployed, but still alive. went to japan. fun place.

i'm listening to the matches.

Jun 24, 2004
i'm still alive. updates are coming soon. got a ton of pictures to upload so you can download. just you wait. i've been back from thailand for about a month and a half, and it's taken me this long to update just this. don't hold your breath.

Dec 16, 2003
what's going on cyber friends? 3 years saves you a lot of money on haircuts when you grow it out long, but now, it looks as if i'll have to start paying to get my locks cut on a more frequent basis. you know where to go to view the new pictorials. also you'll find pics of last nights extravaganza at gordon biersh or however the hell you spell that. everyone that was ethnic had a digital camera, so there are waaaaay more. if anyone needs me to host pics from last night, email me.

more pictures when i get back from mammoth this weekend.

...also, why is it that...
when my shoe lace comes untied, i'll tie it and then go to my other shoe, untie and retie a perfectly good tie. why do i do that?

Dec 2, 2003
hope ya'll had a good thanksgiving this year. it was good to go back to petaluma to see family and friends. unfortunately, i did not get to take pictures of the turkey bowl XXVII, but i did get a few of kobe's 1st bday party and my thanksgiving. i think i have to white balance my camera, cause some of the pictorials are kinda dark. oh well. dude, we have wireless broadband at our house now, so i'll update this more often. go to the gallery section of the site.

i also made some updates to my thailand page. check out that link here.

Nov 21, 2003
i had a request this morning to post pictures of the paintball trip in september. here you go dan k. i was originally going to make a mini-website with these pictures but i decided not to, unless i become unlazy somehow.

the fun doesn't stop there, i also uploaded pictures of ginger's 21st bday party, ed & jason's bday bananza, and some cool pictures of raf and i on bikes we can't afford at the san mateo international bike show. i tried to weed out all the crap but like the pack rat i am, can't get rid of anything...and i'm the web developer making this site, not you. enjoy. go to the gallery section of the site.

i also have a picture in the metro with damon and joanne. for those of you not hip, the metro is the bay area's arts and entertainment newspaper. for those of you in the southbay, pick up a copy, i'm on page 87...advertising for foster's beer....mate. as soon as i get my hands on a scanner, i'll show the world.

also don't forget to check out my new ultra secret website here http://caleb.freeshell.org/thailand

Nov 20, 2003
damn. has it really been this long since i've updated this page? oh well. launch of my super secret new website here, although this is going to be the main one. i do have some new photos to add, but i'm just waaaaay too lazy to put them up. i actually have a ton of pictures from my nephew's 5th bday party, ginger's 21st bday party, ed & jason's 25th/24th bday party, and the international bike show in san mateo. to be totally honest with you, everything is cropped and ready to go, but certain people have been complaining about my ghetto file directory gallery ("it's soooo hard to click on every picture without first viewing it" - drea)...i'll probably end up putting them up in a few days. go to my new site, it will be swell.

Aug 11, 2003
i've been slacking on this website with updates...sorry. anyways, i don't feel like sorting through all the birthday pictorials so i just added the most recent photos. i've added the seattle road trip with my roommies, damon's bday tahoe trip, ryan's bachelor partay, holy family softball as well as new pictures to the misc and family portions of my gallery. poke around and look at some pictures (we know you ain't doing anything at work).

May 8, 2003
added pictorials in the family section and added a new misc section. i'm lagging on the events section. i have my birffday, isaiah's birffday, tea's birffday and amie's birffday still to add. we can pretty much guess what all our parents were doing 9 months earlier...and i'm out.

Mar. 14, 2003
just added hawaii trip pictures and some roommate photos. i'm going to put up some more videos next week. man, this stuff is draining.

Mar. 13, 2003
kev's graduation and the reno pictures are up now. i didn't want to sit through and upload the ones that came out good, so i just put everything up. i'll continue adding pictures, hopefully every other day.......riiiiiiiiiiiight. the website should be fully functional with no broken links or images.
band of brothers kicks major butt.

Mar. 12, 2003
aloha and welcome to my little world wide web space. it's been a couple of years since i've made my last website, i figured it was about time to scrap everything and start over. this site (we'll call it version 2.0 or V.2.0.) has been in progress for well over a year. the main reason for prolonging this project is pretty much i'd work on it for a bit, stop for a longer bit, come back and not like the design, look and feel of the site and start all over. i've already thought about new designs for the next site (we can call that one version 3.0 or V.3.0., but don't hold your breath, it took me two years to put this one out).

over the next couple of weeks (more like months) i'll put up pictures of everything from the big trip #ihavenoidea, paintball/camping trips, snowboarding, kevy's graduation, christmas @ greg and michele's, my trip to hawaii, snow trip with my family, chrstmas pictures from woodland, evan's 4th birffday party, christie's baby shower, kobe pictorials, roommate nonsense and a whole bunch of other stuff. now that i have a dedicated server, i can upload lots and lots of stuff without those annoying geocities banners. since i have lots and lots of space, i can finally put up videos. each video clip will probably not be longer than 30 secs...maybe 3-4 megs at the most.

anyways, poke around, have a look, but keep in mind it's pretty naked right now. as soon as i find some time i'll add more stuff to this.

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